Friday, July 9, 2010

Then The Clouds Will Open For Me..... Not.

I was supposed to be moving now.

But the skies are dumping down immense amounts of water on the city.
I think this is the heaviest it's rained since I got here. Just figures it had to happen on the day when I was planned to be lugging the suitcases, backpacks, paper bags, and other miscellaneous bits and dregs of my life to the main road, flag down a cab and somehow manage to fit all above-mentioned items into it for transportation to temporary place of abode.

Went out for dinner and had to navigate the disgusting dubiously dirty pools of water along the road and pavement as well as avoid being run over while trying to navigate the hazardous traffic, which is bad enough under normal circumstances, and try to avoid being spiked blind by the umbrellas of other pedestrians.

When we stepped out of the building after dinner, wehey, guess what?
The rain was EVEN heavier!!
At a particularly flooded stretch, my feet were practically underwater.
How nice.
Dress was all wet too, irregardless of umbrella.

Also, I'm ill. Have been battling a bad throat since Tuesday, and now it's gone on to the hacking cough stage.
It still feels like there're hot coals residing in my throat.
(Ok, I exaggerate. Not quite hot coals, but it does feel like it's burning)

I'm really worried they won't let me on the plane on Sunday.
The last thing I want is to be quarantined in Beijing Airport.

Well, and if I get past the health screening or whatever, I'm worried if the plane will even be able to leave the ground.
Weather report says rain all the way till Monday.
The last time I flew in China, our flight was delayed for 3 hours because of thunderstorms in Beijing.

I want a shower and to snuggle up in bed and actually be able to fall asleep.

But all my things are packed up.

I foresee washing my hair and showering with a tiny bottle of hotel shampoo, drying off with a face towel, letting hair drip-dry, and going to bed without plushies, pillows and other miscellaneous nest bedding material.

So now I'm sulking in the cafe trying to distract myself with an internet fix.

Some dude's playing a guitar behind me, and is now playing 'Blister In The Sun'. Yay. Makes me a wee little bit less grumpy.

1 comment:

  1. oh my god, sounds like a terrible misadventure! =( glad it's all over and everything's ok now.
