I'm back from a week-long trip Down Under to the South West of Australia!! Photographic evidence of me being there with some grazing 'Roos. With joeys in their pouches to boot!
My first time back in Australia since 2004! That is rather a long time ago!
I'm appreciating the Aussie sunny disposition and sense of humour again. At the airport duty free shop, when I commented on the length of the 20cm or so receipt with all sorts of fine print about duty free and passing through customs and blah, the girl at the check out counter naturally and effortlessly said "A little light reading for your flight."
We flew into Perth, and motored around the southwestern corner of the state of West Australia, which is staggeringly huge (something like half the size of the US?? I think I got my trivia a little wrong here, as it sounds rather preposterous. But it's huge. It's practically a third of the whole of Australia) so we could only cover a tiny little corner of it.
A whirlwind post of the trip.
Lovely town of Fremantle ('Freo') with quaint architecture and cute cafes.
Dramatic skies and surfs. It was winter so it rained quite a bit. We were told it usually rains a lot more, so we were lucky.
This was at a little town called Gracetown, where, as we found out in the local papers the next day, a surfer was killed by a shark earlier in the morning. We saw a rescue boat being launched into the approaching storm, but that was probably to search for the shark.
Beautiful sunsets.
Another little settlement near Margaret River. Got there to find the cafe shut and a trailer park, but the sunset was amazing.
Curling up by what was possibly my first proper fire. Nice and toasty.
And the next morning there was a kangaroo grazing on the lawn.
An abundant supply of rainbows.
Faint rainbows. Partial rainbows. Double rainbows. Full rainbows. Sea rainbows. Alpaca rainbows (more on this!! :p)
Because the rain kept coming in spurts, the rainbows were out in full force as well! Think there were about at least 7 over a period of 5 days!!
Ugly green beast.
The rental car was a most strikingly violent green. It probably inspired shock in the heart of many a driver who caught it in their mirrors, as well as a number of kookaburras and kangaroos.
(I absolutely love kookaburras, by the way!! They look so incredibly adorable! I think it's the large heads that work the magic. A couple of them rested on trees just off the track eyeing the ugly green beast as we were trundling along an ancient karri forest trail)
Lots of food, sweets, and a little wine.
And a rounder face and stomach for souvenirs. ^^
you went to Oz! I would like to go back and travel more. I only really saw the cities...
ReplyDeleteI didn't even see a kangaroo, let alone a kookaburra. MEHHHHH
your photos are really lovely. I love the sunset picture.
It's such a vast country! I've been 5 times, but once when I was a toddler, and I still want to go back!
ReplyDeleteHave you read Bill Bryson's book on Oz? It's hilarious and really good!
Ah, on previous trips I went to wildlife parks and fed kangaroos, but I think this is the first time I've encountered them in 'the wild' - if lawns and picnic grounds and highways can be considered that. Heh.
Thank you!! ^^