Among the creeping ivy and straggly shrubs one blustery autumn's day....
Meet Ginjirou!!!

Oh wait, she doesn't want to meet you just yet, it seems! >_<
Opp! Now she's ready to turn around.....

But goodness, what a face!! xDD
However..... Soften her up a little....


Ahhh, that's much better! =^.^=
Who's this Ginjirou?
It's who I lost my lunch to, that's who!! xDDD
Oh no, she didn't steal my food or anything. Haha. Decided to make a detour to a lovely part of campus I haven't been to in a while as the sun and leaves were dancing a dance of dapples.
I hadn't taken two steps down the path when I caught sight of a couple of fluffy, frisky cats vying for the attention of a girl. I stopped to admire their fluffy glory, not without a bit of wistfulness. But they seemed rather occupied with their human of choice, so I carried on.
But at the next building, lo and behold!
There lay an even more luxuriantly fluffy and more than just slightly rotund feline!
With only a moment's pause to collect my captivated breath, I moved in for the kill.
And said fluffly, rotund feline responded by deigning to raise body from ground and make an approach to meet mid-point.
Years of training under two masters have molded me into a not too shabby at all cat stroker, and this particular kitty seemed to approve of and appreciate my honed skills. >w<
I decided to name her (I'm pretty sure she's a her!! Haha) 'Ginjirou' after the kitty from 'Suteneko no Carte' because she was suitably shaped and disposed. xDDD
This Ginjirou has the softest fur ever!!!! So incredibly fluffy, and an absolute joy to stroke.
Very clean too for a stray cat! My own pet cat should be ashamed of himself. Tsk.
Ginjirou, being a cat, displayed classic 'tsudere' behaviour. xDDD
She'd let me pet her, then suddenly turn her back on me.
She'd be lying there letting me run my hands over her back, then suddenly get up and walk away.
But she did escape to me when attacked by two girls who were trying to grab her and poking her and touching her all in the wrong way. That made me feel kind of smug and happy. >v<
Which brings me to the whole 'Cat Person' vs 'Dog Person' debate.
You know how they have all the theories about the character traits of Cat People VS Dog People.
The one I heard recently was Cat People like to chase after people, while Dog People like to be chased after.
The one my fellow cat owning friend and I formulated was Cat Owners are M while Dog Owners are S.
I think I'm more of an S than M, though, so that puts a big hole in our theory. Hahaha.
But yes, I think while there's truth in all these theories, I suppose you need to look a what kind of cat owner or cat lover the person is. Same goes for dogs I suppose.
Personally I feel like I'm like a cat.
Though I display the characteristic flutter of joy when a cat chooses me over others or decides to come to me for attention.
I also used to really enjoy doing silly things to my cat like twisting the fur around his face into little whirls, poking his toe, ruffling all his fur the wrong way, and so on, just to illicit a reaction, which was more likely than not one of long-suffering annoyance.
I also sulk back at my cats when they do the whole 'tsun tsun tsun' thing.
It's complicated.
And I don't know why I'm actually trying to dissect my personality now after failing for so many years. Haha.
Right, *cough* moving back to Ginjirou!

What adorably pudgy fluffy legs you have!!

Scratching post Nya~!

For anyone who's owned a cat, this is probably a familiar sight:

Tried to take a picture with her. ^.^

Aerial view. =^.^=

She showed me her belly!! I think she would've let me stroke it, but I didn't quite dare to quite do so. My first master was particularly sensitive about his belly, and the wariness has stuck. ^^;

Ahh, the back view again. ^^; Haha!
She did start to rub herself against me, though, so how could I leave her?
I stayed to the last possible moment before tearing myself away from her company to go for class, stomach empty, but all tanked up on kitty fuel. =^.^=

Ahhh, Ginjirou!! I'll go visit you again tomorrow after class! Wait for me, alright?? (///∇//)
Sorry for the long rambling ramble and pic spam!! ^^;
After tomorrow, the 10 day looong National Day holiday starts!! Whoop whoop!!