I used to take excessive photos with the slightly crappy camera of my now battered and bruised Sony Ericsson clam phone. It's part of the Walkman series, and so more emphasis was placed on the music functions than photography capabilities. I'm not fond of using my mobile phone as a music player, as doing so eats up battery. However, I really wanted a clam phone, and so went with this model when I was seeking to replace my previous phone that was teetering on the edge of breakdown about just under two years ago. And this has served me well ever since. I feel a strange jump of satisfactory joy whenever I snap the phone shut after a conversation.
With this phone, I got in the habit of whipping my phone out and snapping pictures of random things and scenes. Frequently. There's also a fair share of narcissistic self-portraiture too, I'm afraid. ^^;
However, ever since I got my GR Digital, the number of pictures snapped with my phone plummeted. Under the influence of a certain someone, I've been carrying my camera with me practically every day, and have been using it instead.
The other day, while looking through my phone photo albums, I realised just how few photos I have in there for recent months.
Having my phone being stuffed full of colourful, commonplace, and curious snapshots is somehow very comforting. I enjoy flicking through them, on the train or even just in my room, and reliving the memories of remarkable and unremarkable times alike. It's different from having many pictures on a digital camera.
And so, I decided to step up my phone photography rate. And since it seems a bit of a shame that they just sit around in my phone's memory, only to be seen on me on solitary public transport journeys and quite moments in my room, I've decided to put selections up here as well.
I think they give a more typical view of my day-to-day life. Perhaps.
Well, after that lengthy introduction, here we go, into May 2010, Part 1~!
1. Grassland with no grass in Inner Mongolia. Clear blue skies meant scorching heat. I think those were horses there.
2. Display case in the hotel lobby. Why canned drinks?
3. I realised I rather like irises.
4. Tous Les Jours has great doughnuts. Here I tried the Mango Something and the Strawberry Something (forgot their names). They do pretty good bread as well! Something that is slightly on the elusive side here. Apparently it's a bakery chain from Korea.
5. One of the most wonderfully delicious and varied bowls of fruit I've had! (Except those my mother used to prepare for me. >^<) The sorbet was yummy as well. Alcohol tinged. We couldn't figure out what flavour it was.
6. They drew a treble clef in my coffee. ^-^ I like how it morphed after I drank some of it. It looks like a strange rune! Yes, I'm drinking coffee again, after staying away from the stuff for about 3 years.
7. They were having a tiny photographic exhibition on tigers at the subway station near my office. This panel was my favourite.
8. Most shops keep some gold fish. 'Fish' in Chinese sounds exactly like 'excess', so I suppose they have gold fish to bring them bountiful takings. Quite a lot of the vessels the fish are put in are terribly cruelly small, though.
9. More crammed conditions for animals. This time in a petshop in the clothing market. But I think these bunnies have it way, waaay better than those bunnies sold by random roadside peddlars. T^T
I really want to get a pet rabbit, but they don't allow pets where I live now. Also, it's really quite selfish and irresponsible, seeing as to I won't be here long-term, or anywhere long-term in the near future, by the looks of it!
10. Breakfast with early summer sunlight, rustling leaves, and the smell of greenery. And a good book thrown in too! Perfect! The food and drink were kind of foul, though. >.<
11. Classmate went back to Japan and returned bearing snacks. Lovely wafer roll. Here I have blue shoes + blue tights + blue skirt. Excellent.
12. Barbecued (well, not quite, but can't think of another word to translate it into) skewers!! This place is amazing!!! The golden (enoki) mushrooms wrapped in tofu skin are excellent! And so are the buns! *wipes drool off keyboard* Just a 3 minute walk away from me! And only 1 RMB per skewer! I go there. A lot.
13. View from the stairway of my office block.
14. Letter writing in a cafe. Also bought some Tirol before that. Have become rather addicted to those little squares of chocolate! >//< You can see Time Out peeping out in the bottom right corner. ^^
15. The most adorable little rings!!!!!!! xDDDD Rocking Zebras?????!!!!! *grabby hands* But I exercised monumental self-control and satisfied myself with surreptitiously snapping a photo of them instead. Another time when a phone camera comes in more useful than a digital one! Sneaky shop photography!
Right, I better stop the photo-spamming for now. Really should get going. The gloriously overcast day has now been slightly ruined with sunlight (haha! Wait for temperatures of 35 deg cel and rising, and then tell me whether you like the sun or not!) though. Argh.
I think this post is probably the one productive thing I've achieved so far this day. Time to change that!!
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