Lookie!! The goodies I bought off Etsy arrived when I wasn't back yet, and I was just given the package. Haha.
What you see above is a strap for handphones, or whatever you wish to dangle it on. But look!! It's a mini merry-go-round!!! Wow! I placed my order quite a while back, before that post on merry-go-rounds! I sort of forgot what charms were on the strap, so my subconscious must have been sending images of pretty painted wooden horses going up and down and round and round to the fore of my consciousness.
Anyway, I also got this necklace:

The creator describes the range as "Gothic Sweets Jewelery".
I sort of know the creator from LiveJournal, and found the link to her Etsy shop, Chocobanana. Actually, I came to know of Etsy through this shop!
She has some pretty interesting ideas, and some of her creations are really adorable and pretty.
I really like this Natural Layered Bracelet, but didn't get it as I practically never wear bracelets. The Chinese coins are a nice touch.
This Eiffel Tower Crochet Chain and Lace Necklace is pretty too, but I felt I had too much in my shopping cart already.
A really nice touch is her packaging. My goodies came in an adorable Cinnamoroll bag with a Rilakkuma paper note. ^-^ She also threw in two plastic ribbon charms and a cute little black Anna Sui-esque plastic comb (which has lost itself in the clutter of my room and hence is unable to make an appearance v.v ). Thought that goes into packaging is appreciated!!
I've preciously shopped there before, and the highlights of that order are:
This wonderfully pop and shiny pin! With a carousal horse!! Haha. It's in need of some superglue now, though. Eep.
And my absolute favourite!! You've probably seen me wearing it before! A Whipped Cream Mini Barrette! xD I love it muchly!
The goods arrived nicely packaged as well that time, with adorable macaron tape, sweet pink tissue wrapping, as well as a free chocolate bar-shaped mirror! ^^
It has been raining all afternoon, which is lovely, especially since I was out and about in the morning and got home before the skies opened up.
I love rainy days.
And I especially love them when I have nothing to do but stay indoors and listen to the sound of the rain.
I'm also listening to some Dvorak, pilfered from the father's CD collection. I chose this disc because it had a Cello Concerto and a Polonaise, and was surprised to recognise the tunes when I popped it into my redeemed-free-with-petrol-station-points Hi-Fi set.
It's mostly like that with classical music for me - recognising the tunes but not knowing what it is or who the composer is. Haha.
There was tea and cupcake earlier on.

The cupcake is obviously half-eaten, as I brought it back from brunch when I couldn't eat another bite. Haha.
From The Marmalade Pantry, which has now moved to the swanky new shopping centre, the ION, from the stalwart old tai-tai (rich wives with naught to do but go shopping, have high tea, and play mahjong) hangout that is Palais Renaissance.
The smoothie was a Fail - if I wanted an ice-blended, I would have gone to Coffee Bean or Starbucks, my friend.
The burger was disappointingly unimpressive.
But, the cupcake was really pretty good!

The Geisha. Pandan with coconut and..... other stuff I can't really remember. Haha. No matcha (Japanese green tea) involved, though, so named solely on based on colour.
I love pandan and coconut! Pandan chiffon cakes are an old childhood favourite of mine! Must write down in my notebook to have some before I leave the Spore again!
But yes, the Marmalade group's cupcakes do not disappoint. Which means I should probably just go back to frequenting Toast, their cafe, which has pretty pink tiled walls and floors. Ho-hum!
Perved their cupcakes on my way out.
The one in the middle is the Red Velvet, which I've had before. Coconut and rose chocolate, if my memory serves me right!
This one was the prettiest one, and all the patrons who judge cupcakes by their covers picked it! Tsk! I think the three lurking behind are Limonettas (or some other lemon-based name). That's good too!
My old favourite's got to be the chocolate one, whatever it's called. Mmm. Brings back good memories!
Seems like they've expanded their range of cupcakes. New ones like the Geisha and the pretty strawberry one. Yum yum!
This post made me happy, just had ANOTHER really frustrating day at work; cupcakes, jewelry and etsy and TEA are all lovely, happy things!