Last paper tomorrow. Will have to produce two vaguely intelligent-sounding essays.
I tried to explain how I'm very likely to mix up my character-writing, and then deleted all of it as I realised I couldn't get it down coherently in English. Urgh.
Anyway, it's been a scorching three days. Especially cruel after the cool relief of a rainy and comfortingly gloomy Thursday.
Here, the heat is like the blast of a furnace. Intense and oh so dry. I'm definitely not enjoying it. But when I get back to the tropics, I'm probably going to start complaining about how I can't stand the humidity and the slicked sweat on skin.
Think what I need now is a good night's sleep.
Last night's snooze time wasn't adequate as I got caught up with observing a fascinating newly-discovered virtual communication phenomena.
Non-euphemistically put, I got sucked into yet another online obsession. Hahaha.
Well, to be honest, it hasn't reached the level of obsession yet, but I can see myself getting there eventually. Time to step on the breaks. But lord, it's so compelling!
What is?
Mmm, Live Broadcasts on NicoNico Video.
More on it next time. Perhaps.
I need a good night's sleep too! And it;s not even hot here!